Children’s Development and Learning

The provision for children’s development and learning is guided by The Early Years Foundation Stage. Our provision reflects the themes and commitments of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Play helps young children to learn and develop through doing and talking, which research has shown to be the means by which young children learn to think. Our setting uses Early Years Foundation Stage guidance to plan and provide a range of play activities to help children to make progress in each of the areas of learning and development.

Areas of Development and Learning.

Children start to learn about the world around them from the moment they are born. The care and education offered by our setting enables children to continue to learn and develop through stimulating and interesting activities which are appropriate for their age and stage of development.

The Areas of Development and Learning comprise:

  • personal, social and emotional development;
  • communication, language and literacy development;
  • problem solving, reasoning and numeracy;
  • knowledge and understanding of the world;
  • physical development;
  • Creative development.

EYFS and the Quality of Care (PDF)